District Programs
A National Distinguished School
• The Opening the World of Learning (OWL) Curriculum enables our teachers to teach all concepts and skills associated with oral learning and literacy; supports language development skills by reinforcing vocabulary and strengthening comprehension; builds mathematical knowledge, including number concepts, basic computation, geometry and measurement; provides hands-on instruction in science and social studies; offers activities that help children become more aware of feelings, behaviors and emotions; supports children’s sense of competence, curiosity and creativity all while providing opportunities for success.
• Teachers have incorporated more rigor and 21st Century skills, such as critical thinking and problem solving; communication and collaboration; accessing and analyzing information; and, curiosity and imagination into their daily lessons. Students are thriving in the classroom environment and are gaining content knowledge much faster.
• The Bob Bear Research Project with Longwood University is in its 3rd year. The classroom behavior program has expanded to include the enhancement of all academic skills, to include literacy and vocabulary building as well as the development of empathy and compassion. The teachers have written and published 5 books that use Bob Bear to teach academic skills, manners and following the rules.
• Parents receive regular communication from the school and their child’s teacher on their child’s progress. Benchmark evaluations are sent home every 4 ½ weeks and report cards sent home every 9 weeks. A monthly newsletter is also sent to parents. Parents are invited to attend luncheons, skits and field trips. Parent involvement workshops are held throughout the year. Topics include: Your Child’s Developmental Milestones; Loving Discipline and Transition to Kindergarten.
• Registration for the pre-kindergarten program begins in February prior to the upcoming school year. The required forms are linked below.
Registration for the Kindergarten program begins in February prior to the upcoming school year. All children who are five years old on or before September 30 should be enrolled in school according to Section 22.1-254 of the Code of Virginia. Information or registration forms may be obtained by calling:
Bacon District Elementary School (434) 542-9507
Eureka Elementary School (434) 736.8458
Phenix Elementary School (434) 542.5570
When enrolling children in public schools for the first time, the State Law requires parents to bring with them the following documents:
1. A report from a licensed physician of a complete physical examination or records establishing that the child has made available such a report (22.1-270).
2. A birth certificate or another acceptable document (22.1-).
3. Documented proof that required immunizations have been received, unless the student is exempted from any or all immunizations pursuant to subsection C (22.1-271.2)
4. Social Security Card (Copy of Card)
5. Proof of county residency
6. Photo of Parent
The Governor's School of Southside Virginia (GSSV) is a half-day academic year program for gifted and highly motivated juniors and seniors in Southside Virginia. GSSV offers a rigorous interdisciplinary curriculum in science, math, English, and research courses. Leadership skills are developed and community service projects are encouraged. Admission to GSSV is based on a competitive selection process.
GSSV is a collaborative effort of eleven school divisions spread across 4,000 square miles of Southside Virginia. It is ONE school with three campuses: Keysville Site - John H. Daniel Campus of Southside Virginia Community College; Farmville Site - Longwood University, and Alberta Site - Christanna Campus of Southside Virginia Community College. Teachers from each site meet together on a regular basis to exchange and share ideas. Opportunities are provided for students from the different sites to interact during the school year.
The mission of The Governor’s School of Southside Virginia is to provide gifted, highly motivated juniors and seniors a challenging, interdisciplinary program of studies that develops leaders who possess the skills, global perspective, and vision needed to address the challenges of a rapidly changing society.
Contact Us:
200 Daniel Rd.
Keysville, VA 23947
Phone: (434) 736-0616 or (800) 866-0616
Fax: (434) 736-0719
Randolph-Henry High School, in conjunction with Southside Virginia Community College, offers dual enrollment courses in several areas. Dual enrollment courses are college classes that count as three or four semester hours college credit and one credit for a high school course needed for graduation. Students actually graduate with a college transcript and a high school diploma. Students are able to take courses at Randolph-Henry High School, at SVCC campuses at Keysville, Fort Pickett, and the Amelia/Nottoway Vocational Technical Center. The dual enrollment courses offered this school year include: College Composition, British Literature, College History, Political Science Criminal Justice, Chemistry, Basic Computer Literacy, Pre-Calculus, College Success Skills, Ethics, Survey Humanities, Western Civilization, Nurse Aide I, Automotive I and II, Heavy Equipment Operator, Diesel Technician, Motorcycle Technician, High Performance Technology.
Various programs offered in Charlotte County Public Schools incorporate dual enrollment into the courses offered. These programs include:
University Parallel Program: Beginning in 9th grade, qualifying students begin coursework that results in graduation with a high school diploma and an associates degree.
Governor’s School of Southside Virginia: Incorporates dual enrollment credits into the half day curriculum for 11th and 12th graders.
Southside Pre-Engineering Academy: Incorporates dual enrollment credits into the half day curriculum for 11th and 12th graders.
Charlotte County Public Schools pays for twelve dual enrollment credits each year for eligible juniors and seniors provided they successfully complete the course.
Through the dual enrollment program, many students have been able to earn college credits as juniors and seniors in high school. Many students have completed enough courses to enter college as a sophomore. Any student with the desire and ability has the unlimited opportunity to attain many of their college courses while attending Randolph-Henry High School.